
Development of Local Government Human Resources in The Perspective of Work Professionalism


Yosa1*, Iman Nuryadi2, Sukari3, Iwan Yusuf Ridwan4, Endang Sutrisno5, Siti Khumayah6

Universitas Swadaya Gunung Jati, Cirebon, Indonesia1,2,3,4,5,6

Email: [email protected]1, [email protected]2, [email protected]3, [email protected]4, [email protected]5, [email protected]6


The development of Human Resources (HR) in Regional Government (Pemda) is crucial for effective and responsive governance. This study delves into government policies on HR development for local government apparatus from a professionalism perspective. Using a qualitative approach and case study method, the research analyzes field data, documents, and interviews with decision-makers like regional apparatus heads. Data was collected through in-depth interviews, policy document analysis, and direct observation. The findings reveal that despite supportive policies, the professionalism of local government officials remains below expectations. Challenges such as budget constraints, limited managerial capacity, and employee resistance to change hinder the effectiveness of HR development policies. The gap between HR development programs and work professionalism highlights the need for better policy supervision, evaluation mechanisms, and increased stakeholder participation in decision-making. This study underscores the necessity of strong political commitment and a holistic approach to achieve desired HR development outcomes in Regional Government.


Government Policy, Local Government, Public Policy, Work Professionalism.



Human Resource Development (HR) in Regional Governments (Pemda) has a vital role in ensuring the effectiveness and efficiency of public services (Wu et al., 2020). Human resource development policies are often formulated with the aim of improving the competence, professionalism, and performance of state apparatus (Savandha et al., 2024). Since the enactment of Law No. 20 of 2023, the government has followed up on the policies referred to in LAN Regulation No. 10 of 2018 and LAN Regulation No. 15 of 2020 as guidelines for local governments in organizing the development of human resources for their apparatus (Effendy et al., 2024). In addition, various activities in an effort to implement human resource development policies have been carried out, including carrying out education and training that are regularly held to improve ASN competencies, career development as an effort to encourage ASNs to reach their maximum potential, improving the welfare of ASN to increase motivation and performance, transparent and sustainable performance assessments to ensure the improvement of ASN work quality (Pariq, 2021).

The measurement of the level of professionalism of ASN is also carried out to provide standards for agencies in a systematic, sustainable, and measurable manner. The measurement of the ASN Professionalism Index (IP-ASN) is carried out in 4 (four) dimensions, namely the Qualification Dimension, the Competency Dimension, the Performance Dimension and the Discipline Dimension in accordance with the provisions of the Regulation of the Ministry of State Apparatus Empowerment and Bureaucratic Reform Number 38 of 2018 concerning the ASN Professionalism Index (Syarifuddun, 2023).

In line with the policies that have been conveyed above, the Kuningan Regency Regional Government itself has implemented these policies in an effort to improve the quality of competent and professional human resources of the Kuningan Regency Apparatus. Although the Apparatus Human Resources Development Policy has been well formulated, based on observations and surveys conducted by researchers, both directly in the field and observing various documents and reports on the results of the implementation of Apparatus Human Resources Development, the Kuningan Regency Government actually has a crucial problem of Apparatus Human Resources Development where the realization of these policies does not always run as expected, its implementation in the field is faced with Reality (Tian & Zhang, 2023): Regional Governments are facing budget limitations that hinder the Apparatus Human Resources Development Program. The limited budget results in the Apparatus Human Resources Development Program, especially the training program, are being implemented sporadically and unsustainably. Data on the need for human resource competency development of local government apparatus in Kuningan Regency in the last five years shows that most of the apparatus appointed in a government position cannot be given mandatory training as one of the requirements for occupying the position due to budget limitations. The apparatus human resource development program implemented by the local government of Kuningan Regency is adjusted to the existing budget, and has an impact on the irrelevance of the human resource development program that is implemented.

Referring to the job description, every Head of Regional Apparatus within the Kuningan Regency Government must carry out personnel development within his organization, and this means that they must also implement the human resource development policy of their apparatus. There are still officials with limitations in change management and leadership, making them unable to direct the Apparatus HR development program effectively and ultimately becoming an obstacle to the implementation of the Apparatus HR development policy. Managerial capacity is essential for setting clear goals, organizing resources, developing employees and measuring performance (Grund et al., 2024).

Another factor that has become an obstacle to the human resource development policy of the apparatus in the local government of Kuningan Regency has not shown the quality of work results in the form of increasing the professionalism of the apparatus in accordance with expectations is the resistance to change and innovation from the local government apparatus of Kuningan Regency itself, especially the apparatus that has been working for a long time, they are worried about uncertainty and discomfort related to change (Ariadica et al., 2020; Khumayah & Hardjowikarto, 2020; Wicaksono et al., 2022). The informants in this study argued that changes in their work systems involving automation and digitalization would lead to a reduction in the workforce, so they felt threatened by not being empowered or even rotated because they were considered unnecessary in their work environment.

Evaluation and monitoring of apparatus human resource development programs tend to be weak, the information collected by researchers shows that apparatus human resource development organizers do not evaluate and monitor apparatus human resource development programs regularly, judging from the fact that human resource development programs are often not in accordance with the work needs of apparatus and apparatus human resource development data in each organizational unit has not been integrated with the Personnel Agency and Human Resource Development of Kuningan Regency as the coordinator of the implementation of the development of Apparatus Human Resources (Heryanto et al., 2023; Ramdani et al., 2024; Roharyani et al., 2022). As a result, the effectiveness of the implementation of the program is not measured adequately and the areas that need improvement are not identified.

In realizing the human resource development policy of the apparatus which has an impact on increasing the professionalism of the apparatus as expected, it would be good to pay attention to the strategic steps needed in determining and implementing the policy, including the commitment and support of the leadership of the apparatus human resource development policy determination is an important aspect as a key factor in the success of the human resource development policy. An organizational culture that provides recognition and appreciation to employees who have carried out their development, such as providing promotion and career development opportunities for employees who show increased competence and performance as a result of human resource development programs, awards by providing incentives and bonuses as a form of appreciation for the achievement of certain job targets, advanced professional development, improvement of work facilities and recognition in other forms.

The existence of other supporting policies that ensure that employees receive recognition and appreciation if they participate in the human resource development program and show an improvement in performance as a result of the human resource development program will have an impact on increasing the motivation of each apparatus employee to participate in the human resource development program, further impacting the many demands of apparatus employees for human resource development programs that must be provided by the government area.

Based on the conditions of human resource development in the Kuningan Regency Regional Government mentioned above, the implementation of the Apparatus Human Resources Development Policy in the Kuningan Regency Regional Government needs to be optimized. In one previous study, Rafi et al (2024)stated that a policy for developing ASN human resource competencies based on a good commitment to ASN human resource development policies from the policy-making leadership level will produce good quality of work for apparatus employees. The question is, how are the efforts and commitment of the Kuningan Regency Regional Government in realizing the professionalism of the work of the apparatus? The goal is to determine and implement the established Apparatus Human Resources Development Policy.



This study uses a descriptive qualitative research method. Qualitative research, as defined by Creswell, is a method of exploring and understanding the meaning that an individual or group of people attributes to a social or human problem. The subject of the research in this study is the human resources of ASN of the Kuningan Regency Regional Government who have knowledge, experience and authority in policy-making and decision-making in the field of human resource development consisting of High Leadership Officials, Administrative Officials and Functional Officials including the Head of the Regional Apparatus, Secretary or Head of Field, Head of Section or Head of Sub- Division, Executor or Functional as an informant. The determination of informants in research using purposive techniques is by selecting people who are considered to know clearly about the material related to human resource development, starting from planning, implementation to monitoring and evaluation, which is the substance in the Regional Government Policy that is made. Secondary data was obtained through the literature search method in the form of related laws and regulations. Meanwhile, this study uses qualitative analysis involving stages such as data reduction, data display, verification, and conclusion drawing (Cutler et al., 2023). The data is tested through triangulation techniques, which include checking, retesting, and cross-checking data from various sources and data collection techniques. This analysis focuses on problems related to the work results of the initial implementation of the policy as well as the factors that encourage and hinder the improvement of the work performance of apparatus employees.



Human Resources is not only a component in an organization, but also one of the most important assets that can determine the success and sustainability of the organization itself in an effort to realize the vision and mission of the Regional Government. In an effort to obtain professional apparatus, the government has established guidelines for the implementation of human resource development for state civil servants as contained in Law Number 20 of 2023, the government has followed up on the policy referred to in LAN Regulation Number 10 of 2018 and LAN Regulation Number 15 of 2020. Siagian, the concept of professionalism in the apparatus can be seen from creativity, innovation, competence and consistency as well as responsiveness (Insani, 2020; Iskamto, 2022). Regulation of the Minister of State Apparatus Empowerment and Bureaucratic Reform Number 38 of 2018 states that professionalism is the quality of professional members towards their profession as well as the degree of knowledge and expertise they have to carry out their duties.

Referring to the results of the assessment of the Professionalism Index of the State Civil Apparatus of the Regional Government of Kuningan Regency which is based on four dimensions of assessment, namely: Qualification Dimension; Competency Dimension; Performance Dimensions; Discipline Dimensions. Grouped in the category: Very High meaning very professional; High means tend to be professional; Medium means vulnerable to unprofessionalism; Low means less professional; Very Low means very unprofessional, as a benchmark for the quality of the work of the Kuningan Regency Regional Government. During the 2022 to 2023 assessment, the level of work professionalism shown through the assessment of the ASN professionalism index of the Kuningan Regency Regional Government is still in the low category, which shows that apparatus employees tend to be unprofessional.

Based on this reality, the aspect that is of concern to researchers is the development of local government human resources. In describing the reality of human resource development carried out in the local government of Kuningan Regency, the researcher uses field data, documents on the implementation of human resource development and the results of interviews with officials who have the authority to make decisions on human resource development, namely the head of the regional apparatus and other officials who understand and experience in human resource development. The real picture based on the data of this study, the implementation of the ASN human resource development policy in the Kuningan Regency Regional Government shows a less-than-optimal reality.

Budget limitations. The budget plays a very crucial role in human resource development policies, many ASN human resource development programs are not supported by adequate budgets. To carry out ASN human resource development programs requires costs such as teachers, teaching materials, facilities and supporting technology. Designing, developing, and implementing ASN human resource development programs also requires costs, including costs for designing the curriculum, paying experts or consultants, and other operational costs. The condition of the Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBD) of Kuningan Regency is not in favor of the development of ASN human resources, policymakers prioritize the APBD to physical activities such as infrastructure development. Moreover, during the COVID-19 pandemic and post-Pandemic, the budget of the Personnel and Human Resources Development Agency of Kuningan Regency and all other regional apparatus organizations must be refocused according to the direction of the Central Government with the aim of efficiency. Without sufficient budget, these programs may not be able to be developed or implemented effectively. This limitation has an impact on the quality and frequency of the implementation of the development provided, in fact, it is not uncommon for planned ASN human resource development programs to not be realized due to the unavailability of budget.

Irrelevant training. Of most of the training programs that have been implemented, there has been no change in the improvement of ASN skills in carrying out their main tasks and daily functions. This is due to the mismatch between the skills gained from training and the skills needed in the field. The discrepancy occurred not because of the poor preparation of ASN human resource development planning but because the planning was only limited to a plan, unable to be implemented due to the budget limitations. As an effort to develop ASN human resources, the Regional Government of Kuningan Regency implements human resource development programs that are facilitated by programs of human resource development institutions of Central Agencies, Provincial Agencies and Private Human Resources Development Institutions. As a result, the human resource development program received by the Regency Regional Government is not relevant to the competency needs of ASN required by the organization.

Decrease in Employee Motivation. The condition of ASN employees in Kuningan Regency tends to be less motivated to participate in the HR development program provided, ASN employees do not see directly the benefits of participating in the HR development program on their tasks and career goals. High workload and employee awareness are also factors causing a lack of motivation.

An unsupportive work culture. This is illustrated by the lack of support and participation from the policy-making leadership level; there is resistance to change, ASN employees both at the executive and leadership levels tend to be reluctant to try new methods or training that aims to change existing ways of working in optimizing the achievement of organizational goals; lack of collaboration and open communication in carrying out employee work duties so that there is no transfer of skills and knowledge from training throughout the organization; lack of adequate appreciation and recognition for employees who have participated in competency development; There is no clear vision in each regional apparatus organization about the importance of resource development so that ASN employees do not understand why they should participate in the development program.

Competency gap. There is a competency gap between ASN employees, especially between senior and junior employees in one organizational unit. This shows that the human resource development program has not been able to create an even standard of competence.

The results of the analysis of the development of local government human resources in the perspective of work professionalism show that the human resource development policy set is in accordance with the demands of the needs of the organization, in this case the Regional Government of Kuningan Regency. Starting from the competency development policy, the Government through LAN Regulation Number 10 of 2018 concerning Civil Servant Competency Development and LAN Regulation Number 15 of 2020 concerning Competency Development of Government Employees with Employment Agreements, where the two regulations in question regulate the system and process of ASN competency development. The goal is to ensure that each ASN has the necessary competencies in carrying out their duties and functions effectively and efficiently. The regulations regulate the objectives of competency development, namely improving ASN performance, supporting organizational goals, developing ASN potential and improving ASN professionalism; the competencies developed, namely technical competence, managerial competence and socio-cultural competence; competency development methods, in the form of education and training, internships, certification and coaching and mentoring; competency development planning, including the identification of competency needs and the preparation of competency development plans; assessment and evaluation, including post-training assessments and long-term assessments; Funding; responsibilities and authority.

The aspect of ASN career development in the Kuningan Regency local government has also been regulated by the provisions of laws and regulations. ASN career development is based on Law Number 20 of 2023 concerning the State Civil Apparatus and Government Regulation Number 11 of 2017 concerning Civil Servant Management as amended by Government Regulation Number 17 of 2020. Things regulated in the career development policy include the career management system, career leveling of ASN based on qualifications, competencies, performance and organizational needs; promotion and development, the promotion process is carried out based on the principle of meritocracy by considering the qualifications, competence, performance and integrity of ASN; rotation and mutation, position rotation is carried out to expand experience and develop ASN competencies as well as the process of transferring ASN to other positions that are equivalent or higher to support career development and organizational needs; talent management, identification of ASN talents then determine ASN who have high potential to be further developed as future leadership candidates, providing special programs to develop ASN talents that have been identified. Through the career development regulation, the government ensures that ASN career development must be carried out systematically, transparently and based on meritocracy.

The assessment of ASN performance as an aspect of human resource development policy aims to ensure that ASN performance is measured objectively, transparently, and sustainably, as well as to support career development and improve organizational performance. This policy is regulated in various regulations, including Government Regulation Number 30 of 2019 concerning Performance Assessment of Civil Servants and Regulation of the Minister of State Apparatus Empowerment and Bureaucratic Reform (Permenpan RB) Number 8 of 2021 concerning the Performance Management System of Civil Servants. ASN performance assessment policies include components: performance management systems, namely performance planning and performance implementation; performance appraisal, namely periodic evaluation and objective assessment; key performance indicators (KPIs), consisting of Individual KPIs and Organizational KPIs; the assessed aspects consist of individual performance and work behavior; the use of technology to monitor and evaluate the performance of ASN in real-time, ensuring transparency and accuracy of performance data; follow-up on performance assessment results; as well as supervision and evaluation.

The components of all ASN human resource development policy regulations that have been outlined above, based on the researcher's research that a human resource development system has been built and can accommodate the needs in the implementation of ASN human resource development in the Kuningan Regency Regional Government. However, in its implementation, there is still a gap between human resource development policies and their implementation.

The reality in the field based on the data of this study, it was found that the aspects of ASN career development and the aspects of ASN performance assessment in the human resource development policy of the Kuningan Regency Regional Government were relatively implemented and showed optimal results. In contrast to the aspect of ASN competency development which tends to be suboptimal due to challenges and obstacles such as budget limitations, training provided by the government is not relevant to the needs of carrying out work tasks, decreasing employee motivation, unsupportive work culture and competency gaps between employees. From the challenges and obstacles mentioned by the researcher, budget limitations and the commitment of decision-making leaders are the main factors in the human resource development policy in the Kuningan Regency Regional Government Environment is not optimal. The solution implemented by the Kuningan Regency Personnel and Human Resources Development Agency as a regional apparatus organization that has the main task of human resource development in overcoming budget limitations is to utilize digital technology, develop an e-learning platform that allows civil servants to take online training to reduce travel and accommodation costs. Another solution is to establish cooperation and partnerships with government and private educational institutions to provide training and competency development programs for ASN as well as obtain additional resources and various best practices in human resource development.



Human resource development has been regulated in various regulations issued by the government which show the government's commitment to continue to improve the quality and competence of ASN human resources in order to be able to face increasingly complex challenges and provide the best service to the community, However, the Kuningan Regency Regional Government in facing the challenges and obstacles that have been described above, has carried out consolidation and reconciliation with all stakeholders in order to solve the problem of implementing the Apparatus Human Resources Development Policy. Budgeting planning is being reviewed by the Regional Development Planning, Research and Development Agency of Kuningan Regency, the Regional Financial and Asset Management Agency of Kuningan Regency and the Regional People's Representative Council of Kuningan Regency to achieve the commitment to fulfill the budget for the development of human resources of the Apparatus. Balanced with the preparation of competency standards for ASN positions, competency gap analysis, analysis of competency development needs carried out by the Kuningan Regency Personnel and Human Resources Development Agency as an effort to maintain the relevance of the apparatus human resource development program with organizational needs and optimize the work results of Kuningan Regency Regional Government apparatus employees.



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Copyright holder:

Yosa, Iman Nuryadi, Sukari, Iwan Yusuf Ridwan, Endang Sutrisno, Siti Khumayah (2024)


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Journal of Management, Economics and Finance

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