Implementation of
Credit Number Assessment for The Functional Position of Penata
Pritta D. Prameswari1,
Agus Arijanto2
Magister Management Program, Mercubuana University
Email: [email protected], [email protected]
Abstract |
The development of the
performance assessment of the State Civil Apparatus (ASN) has improved over
time with increasingly complex organizational adjustments and with new
positions created with the aim of professionalism in the State Civil
Apparatus profession. Credit Score Assessment in the Functional Position of
Chancery Manager is a transition mechanism from the Job Implementation
Assessment List (DP3) to a more complex performance assessment, namely Credit
Score Assessment. The focus of this research is to reveal the mechanism for
continuous performance assessment with the process of synchronizing the
governance and distribution of Chancellor's Management with what is being
done. The method used in this research uses qualitative methods. By using
George Edward IV's policy theory which examines and reviews 4 (four)
variables, namely, Communication, Resources, Attitude (Disposition or
Attitude) and Organizational Structure (Bureaucratic Structure). The
implementation of credit score assessment from these variables can be
reviewed from upstream to downstream processes. In this research, the NVIVO
series 14 application was used. The results of the interviews obtained were
valid with several clusters on SOPs that had not been determined from the
initial formation until the final assessment in 2022. The recommendation
given was to create an Standart Operating Procedur (SOP) from the results of the evaluation of JFPK
credit assessment numbers during the period. 2020 � 2022, and needs to be
strengthened with a Management System that can produce effective and
efficient document output. |
Keywords: |
Implementation, Credit Score Assessment, Functional Position |
Employee performance
evaluation becomes a benchmark and is a summary of all activities that measure
the output that has been produced, which then leads to achieving organizational
goals (Zairi, 2012). In public sector organizations, Civil
Servants are part of the State Civil Apparatus (ASN) which also needs
performance assessments to be carried out objectively, measurably, accountably,
participatively and transparently by paying attention to the results and
benefits achieved, so Government Regulation Number 30 of 2019 is stipulated.
Concerning Civil Servant (PNS) Performance Assessment as a replacement for
Government Regulation Number 46 of 2011 concerning Civil Servant Work
Performance Assessment (Sendouw et al.,
2023). Employee performance is the result of
work, both quantity and quality, achieved by civil servants from activities or
work during a certain period of time (Purba et al.,
Organizational Development aims to streamline the organizational structure by maximizing existing positions by forming more professional Functional Positions and with a more focused merit system (Schroeder, 2023). At the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, especially in the organizational structure of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia and the Center, it consists of Diplomats and Technical Staff. The technical staff here include the Household Management Treasurer (BPKRT). BPKRT is a position which is a specific functional position under the guidance of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs which was later formed into the Functional Position of Chancellery Manager (JFPK) in accordance with the mandate of the Regulations (inpassing). The formation of the JFPK is based on the Regulation of the Minister for Empowerment of State Apparatus Bureaucratic Reform Number 13 of 2018 concerning the Functional Position of Chancellery Administrators (Mazzocchi et al., 2018).
Based on the National Regulations for the formation of new Functional Positions, adjustments or what is called In passing are carried out over a certain period of time (Egan, 2001). This is a new step from BPKRT, where the General or Executive Functional Position has shifted to a Functional Position which is more focused on professionalism. In the 2018 � 2021 period, adjustments were made by carrying out portfolio tests. In this transition period, the regulations and mechanisms for performance assessment shift from DP3 to Credit Score Assessment. During the transition period, socialization and technical guidance for this mechanism was carried out among JFPK stakeholders.
The first appointment of JFPK was carried out in March 2020 in accordance with the mandate of the Minister of Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform's regulation regarding Inpassing (adjustment) number 42 of 2018. Credit Score Assessment has been carried out 6 times from 2020 - 2022. A total of 310 JFPK have been appointed since 2020-2022 PAK assessment each period only ranges from 70 � 200 proposers who submit PAK. In Permenpan-RB Number 13 of 2018 it is stated that JFPK holders are required to submit a credit score assessment for at least 1 year of their term of office. However, the total number of JFPK applications submitted for each period is not maximally fulfilled by JFPK holders. The transition period from general functional positions with performance assessments that are different from credit score assessments is something that needs to be studied in more depth (Lessmann et al., 2015).
In research by Sischa Ayu Nirmala Dewi and Sri Utami, the focus was on implementing operational guidelines for assessing lecturer credit scores at Gadjah Mada University. Meanwhile, in research by Dalimunthe, Yowanda Pasyah and Susilawati regarding the implementation of vaccination policies, it can be seen from the theory used to find out how far a policy can be implemented. Meanwhile, Andhika Ramanda and Safuan's research examined the implementation of performance appraisals using applications that had an impact on strategic planning and the compensation received by each BPKP employee of DKI Jakarta Province. From previous research, it can be concluded that the implementation of the JFPK credit score assessment can be carried out further because it requires an in-depth evaluation
This article uses a qualitative approach and takes
cases in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. This is because Ministry of Foreign
Affairs is government agent to Functional potion fo Penata Kanselerai. With the limitations of the research, the
research approach using descriptive models through field research and
literature. The focus of this research is the implementation of policies
developed by Edward III, there are four focuses determine the success of a
policy. For processing the triangulate data and others sources, this research
used Nvivo 14 series (Creswell, 2016).
Data obtained through analysis of laws, printed and
local news electronically, the official Government official website, and the
assessment point credit Pusat Pembinaan Jabatan Fungsional between
2021 - 2022. In addition, additional results data interview of seven
informants, from implementor, proposer and the Assesor.
The stages of data analysis for this article are the process of organizing, compiling, sorting data, categorizing it into patterns, categories, so that its meaning can be understood. The stages carried out in this data analysis are, (1) data collection, selecting data so that its relevance can be understood, (2) categorizing data based on certain categories, (3) interpret existing data. On in essence, the analysis stage is carried out as an interaction process consisting of reduction data, and conclusions or verification (Miles & Huberman, 1994)
Results and Discussion
After obtaining the
results of interviews with 7 key informants, the researcher began the data
processing process to present it to the examiner and reader so that it could be
better understood. A more detailed presentation of the results regarding the findings
in the field that can be concluded to answer the main problem being sought. The
problem that the author wants to raise is how the JFPK credit score assessment
mechanism process is to obtain maximum DUPAK submissions in each credit score
assessment period.
����������� �The focus of the research after the execution
to find repeated words in the reference journal, there are several sentences
that are the focus as above. This proves that the referenced journal is a
reference that is appropriate for this research.
The results of interviews with informants produce a correlation
coefficient (Pearson Correlation Coefficient) as in the following picture:
The similarity of the two files can be seen from the correlation
coefficient value that occurs. It can be seen in the table that the highest
value is in the correlation of Assessor 2 and Proposer with a value of
0.881096. While the lowest is in Administrator Echelon III and Administrator
Echelon IV of 0.538712. In the results of the NVivo analysis, only three
correlations <0.60 were produced, the rest have strong points where it is
>0.60. So that with 7 sources of respondents, they fall into the valid category
and have similar content.
The variables that need to be considered for improvement are the resources section which includes staff, facilities and infrastructure. From the interview results of the Echelon III Administrator, it can be read that the communication regarding the delivery of the credit score assessment mechanism has been implemented optimally, however, Human Resources in the JFPK stakeholders are not yet ready to carry out the assessment due to the transition. period from implementing to functional because the details of activity items in DUPAK are presented in more detail and supporting evidence is needed to strengthen the results of the assessors' work.
Based on the
results obtained from the analysis with the help of NVIVO software version 14,
then in the resource and organizational structure variables all key informants
provided answers for the implementation of the JFPK credit score assessment
that development is still needed in the Organizational Structure and Resource
variables. This is expected to be the concern of the JFPK and ND I Development
Section at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
�After triangulation with the interview
results, the output of the software is accompanied by existing documents, so
that the bureaucracy for the JFPK Credit Score assessment is expected to be
better with the provision of Technical Guidance and clear and precise
information to the Chancellor's Management stakeholders. The Credit Score
Assessment which is still early is being carried out by JFPK & ND I
Development, so periodic evaluations need to be carried out.
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